Thursday, June 2, 2011

Another month, another blog design...

Many of you will soon realize that I'm extremely ADD when it comes to page design. It is for that reason that I swiftly deleted my MySpace account as soon as Facebook became big. I used to spend countless hours working the HTML codes until I had that PERFECT look. No easy feat, I tell you. And it's nice to keep things visually interesting, no?

This month is going to be supremely busy. So, I'm just letting all my readers know in advance that I may not blog consistently. Here's what's goin' on:

This weekend I'm going to... ::drum roll::

I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself. Potentially attractive men and women walking around in various comic character get-up? YES, PLEASE. ANYONE in a costume is worth the money. Plus, some of the most sought after collectibles in all of comic world are showcased here. You can go ahead and say it. I'm a HUGE nerd. Don't hate. It runs in the family. I'm the sister to a brother who owned a game and hobby store. I have a little geek blood flowing through my veins.

AND it will be nice to be in Charlotte for a while. I fell in love with this gem of a city the first time I ever visited it. There's so much to do and it's SO beautiful. 

That's not all folks, the very next week I will be in TAMPA with my good friends Craig and Laura. They kindly loan their apartment and deliciously comfy air bed to John and I every year. This year's trip could be as long as two weeks depending on our mood. I can't wait to see Laura and Craig. Don't forget their two dogs, Laney and Paige. (holycutepuppiesbatman!)

Aren't you jealous of their South Florida tans? I know I am!
And if that wasn't enough,  I have four cousins, three girls and one boy, ranging in age from 5 to 16 coming to stay with me from mid June to mid August. (I may end up wanting to [insert self destructive behavior here] before it's all over with.)

Did I mention that I also have school on top of all of this? No? Well, yes. I have school work. 

SIGH. Is it possible to be really excited and want to have an anxiety attack at the same time? 

Much love.


Laura said...

Yay! I am super excited!!

Sydney Marné said...

That convention sounds like a ton of fun!! But maybe I'm just a nerd too :) I have a lot of friends in my illustration program who love those types of conventions and I've heard great things! I hope you have so much fun! Also, I hear Charlotte IS wonderful!