Sunday, May 22, 2011

"They squish up around me like a cloud..."

Ladies and gentleman, we have an issue on our hands: ------> MY BED.

For those of you who have never seen my bed I'll give you a little insight. It's pretty much the smallest bed an adult woman of my size can have without being too small. I barely fit on it. I'm not even really sure that it is, indeed, an adult-sized mattress. That being said, my bed got a little bit of an upgrade about three weeks ago that made it a problem.

EGG CRATES- those little wavy pieces of foam you stick on top of your mattress. BUT I don't just have one of these amazing creations. No. How many do I have, you ask? I have THREE.

Yes, I have three gloriously comfortable egg crates stacked on my bed. I didn't sleep on them for the first two and half weeks because I was out of town, but when I got home....  MAN. All I can say is that my bed is pretty much my most favorite destination in all of Georgia right now.

You're probably asking yourself, "Karah, why is this a problem?"

Because it makes me sleep waaayyyy too late. If there are any of you out there like me, raise your hands. You know, the people who wake up early in the morning all warm and comfy, reflecting on the past night sleep's dreams and decide, "Eh, another hour wouldn't hurt." So off you fly, back into comfy, squishy dreamland. This is all well and fine in moderation except that I repeat that process a few times.

I'm ashamed to say that I'm known to sleep well into the afternoon if not awoken. I can't help it. As I told Bigs this afternoon, "They [the egg crates] squish up around me like a cloud."

So tell me, fellow readers. Have you ever had a bed so comfy you didn't want to leave? And if so, what was it? I'm curious.

Much love to all.

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